JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko, emphasized his commitment to providing full support for the human rights promotion program (HAM) in Indonesia.
He gave his appreciation for the work of community organizations that build awareness about the importance of human rights, such as the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID). "I appreciate INFID which is a critical organization but based on concrete data. On the other hand, those of us who are in power should also not use arbitrary authority, must remain guided by human rights principles," said Moeldoko, when meeting representatives of the new management of the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) on Wednesday, June 14 at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta.
Furthermore, he also appreciated the holding of the Human Rights Festival which was collaboratively organized by the National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Komnas HAM RI), INFID and the Presidential Staff Office (KSP).
I am happy that the Human Rights Festival program is going well. What's even happier is the demand for more and more from the regions. This is an indication that there is a strong awareness from the local government that human rights is one of the instruments in the development of the region," he added.
As the Retired TNI Commander, Moeldoko also always emphasized the importance of respecting human rights to the soldiers. "I teach soldiers to fight well and correctly, namely having to respect human rights. If they are carrying out attacks, for example, but we see small children or non-combatting civilians, then soldiers are trained not to shoot carelessly," he said.
According to Moeldoko, Indonesia was able to make a shift from centralistic to democracy smoothly because there was strong awareness from its national army which voluntarily released all previous practical political structures and problems, improving doctrine, fixing culture. Therefore, the TNI is actually guarding democracy well.
Meanwhile, currently INFID has extensive members and networks in Indonesia with membership consisting of 76 community organizations and 2 individual members.
This Abadi fund for civil society organizations is one thing that is still the attention of many institutions. CSO in Indonesia needs to think about its life power, especially with the COVID-19 situation in recent years, there has been massive and structural weakening so that workforce and affordable needs attention so that it can become reasonable and balanced. So I hope there will be attention from the government," hoped Iwan Misthozzaman, as Executive Director of INFID.
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