
BANDA ACEH - Aceh's Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that there are six areas in Aceh that have illegal gold mining areas (Peti) which are managed by the people and are still active today.

"There are six Pet locations, in the areas of Central Aceh, Pidie, Nagan Raya, West Aceh, South Aceh, and in Aceh Jaya," said Aceh Energy and Mineral Resources Head Khairil Basyar, in Banda Aceh, reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

This was conveyed by Khairil Basyar on the sidelines of the Aceh Resource & Development (ARD) public discussion regarding the pros and cons of gold mining licensing at Beutong Ateuh Nagan Raya, in Banda Aceh.

Khairil said that the Aceh Government is committed to continuing to find solutions to the illegal mining status in Aceh.

"The Aceh government together with stakeholders continue to discuss mining solutions, especially since we often discuss the issue of this Pet," he said.

Khairil said that currently there are too many illegal gold mining actors in Aceh, therefore if it is stopped immediately, it can pose a big risk, then this is one of the government's considerations.

For this reason, continued Khairil, the government is still looking for the best solution. One of them is related to the discourse on the issuance of people's mining areas at a number of Peti points.

However, the process is not easy, because the proposal must be equipped with gold potential data from one mining location, and this must be prepared by the relevant district government.

"If the conditions are sufficient, then we can only propose it, as long as there is no overlap with other permits," he said.

In addition, continued Khairil, the Aceh Government also has a discourse to open opportunities for BUMD to apply for permits. Then, for mining locations that are within the existing permit area (owned by other companies) can cooperate.

"For mining within other permit areas, then we can ask IUP holders to partner with the community, and that has been done by one company," said Khairil Basyar.

To note, in Aceh apart from illegal gold mining, there are also several companies that have obtained gold mining business permits (IUP).

Spread in Central Aceh two companies, South Aceh one company, Gayo Lues one company, and finally two companies gold mining (placer) in West Aceh Regency.

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