
JAKARTA - Rihana and Rihani 'twins' have been named as suspects in the iPhone fraud case. The status determination was based on the police report (LP) received by Polda Metro Jaya.

"In the Polda (Rihana and Rihani) are already suspects," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, to reporters, Friday, June 9.

The basis for determining the suspects against Rinahan and Rihani is not from the LP at the Polsek and Polres levels, which are now being handled by the Metro Police.

When talking about the LP that has been withdrawn, said Hengki, there are around 13 reports. Currently being analyzed one by one. The report relates to fraud to car embezzlement.

"There are several LPs. So there are many LPs, there are 13, we will map them one by one," he explained.

With the appointment of Riana and Rihani as suspects, investigators will immediately look for his whereabouts and arrest him. So, they can be held accountable for their actions that are suspected of violating the law.

"You don't have to be called, you'll be arrested immediately," said Hengki.

In investigating and looking for the whereabouts of the twins, a special team was formed. The hope is that Riana and Rihani can be caught soon.

"We will continue to pursue this perpetrator because the losses are quite large, varied. We are mapping it, we are making a special team in the ranks of the Polda Metro Jaya," said Hengki.

The alleged fraud of the 'twins' Riana and Rihani had gone viral on social media. Both are said to have used the Pre-Order (PO) mode.

The Twitter account @mazzini_gsp uploaded the alleged fraud of the two. In fact, the total loss of the victims was said to have reached Rp35 billion.

"The iPhone pre-order fraud case committed by the two twin sisters, Riana and Rihani, with the total loss of the victim reached Rp35 billion. The number of losses for each victim varied from hundreds of millions to billions," wrote the account @mazzini_gsp.

In fact, not long after, another report emerged. The two twins were policed on suspicion of embezzlement of rental cars in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on January 11, 2023.

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