
SUKOHARJO - Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi explained how his party uncovered the mutilation case in Sukoharjo using the crime scientific investigation (CSI) method. Ahmad Luthfi explained that the CSI examination from the Criminal Investigation Officer (Reskrim) was supported by the Police Medical Medicine (Dokkes) through the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team led by the Head of the Health Office, Kombes dr. Sumy Hastry Purwanti, as well as the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) of the Central Java Police.

The examination, continued Ahmad Luthfi, included through the victim's DNA test with his family who reported, to the blood sample test found by the Criminal Investigation Unit. The local Satreskrim Inafis team also conducted a crime scene investigation.

The results of the scientific test were then matched with a series of investigations carried out including examining witnesses. Based on this method, officers managed to identify the victim on behalf of Rohmadi (51), a resident of Keprabon, Banjarsari District, Surakarta City.

"So we did the scientific method, DNA was checked and the results were matching with the family, Labfor also checked," he continued.

The case of the discovery of a number of body parts on the banks of the Sukoharjo and Surakarta rivers was successfully uncovered by a joint team from the Sukoharjo Police, Surakarta Police and Central Java Police.

The suspect and the main perpetrator is Suyono alias Yono alias Bang Yos (50) a construction worker from Laweyan District, Surakarta City. The suspect was arrested on Sunday, May 28, at around 13.00 WIB at the Dukuh Widororejo grave, Tombakhaji Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency.

"The suspect's motive was hurt and wanted to control the victim's motorbike," said Ahmad Luthfi, Tuesday, May 30.

The Regional Police Chief also said that the perpetrator had planned a murder case accompanied by mutilation 2 days before the incident. On Wednesday (17 May) night, the suspect who was the victim's colleague at the Mebel Shop intended to kill the victim because of an old grudge. He prepared an iron pipe in the long round, 5cm diameter and 70cm long.

Furthermore, on Thursday (May 18) morning, the perpetrator borrowed the victim's black Honda Beat SPM, to take the large plastic slider to be used to wrap the victim's body. The execution was carried out on Friday (19 May) at around 01.00 WIB with the TKP at the Mebel Yanto Shop, Krabarasan Village, Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency. When the victim slept, the head of the back was hit with an iron pipe 3 times. After confirming that the victim died, the suspect was confused about where the victim's body would be taken, from there came the perpetrator's intention to mutilate the victim's body.

By the perpetrator, the victim's body was then cut into 6 parts and put in 4 plastic bags that had been prepared. Plastic containing clothes and body parts was then thrown into several places to eliminate traces.

"The locations that are used as rivers in the area are the Ngasinan Grogol Bridge, the Ngeblak Kusumoilagan Bridge in Surakarta, the Ngruki Sukoharjo Bridge, and the Pringgolayan Sukoharjo River. The location is still one stream of the Bengawan Solo River," continued the Kapolda.

From Sunday (May 21) to Monday (May 22), pieces of the body were found successively by residents and officers assisted by a joint team including the TNI and SAR who were busy evacuating.

A number of evidences were also secured in connection with the case. Among them is the black Honda Beat police number AD 4761 KS belonging to the victim, iron pipe, knife along about 40cm, black helmet, a white short-sleeved shirt with a black collar blue shirt and a blue jeans belonging to the suspect.

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