Bandar Lampung Bawaslu hopes that the public will not hesitate to report if there are prospective legislative candidates (caleg) but are still state civil servants (ASN).
"So we ask the public to participate in supervising the candidate, if they know that someone with ASN status is registering as a legislative candidate, immediately report it," said Head of the Bandar Lampung Bawaslu Candrawansah, in Bandar Lampung, Friday, May 26, as reported by Antara.
He said that with ASN, or BUMN and BUMD employees who registered as legislative candidates, they had to resign or retire from their agencies.
"Based on the results of our supervision during administrative verification, there are several candidates who are still ASN. We need to monitor this matter together," he said.
Because, he continued, if the person concerned passes to the Provisional Candidates List (DCS) stage but has not completed the resignation or retirement file, it is clear that this is an absolute violation of ASN.
"We have summoned. One of the candidates with ASN status is to be asked for clarification and the person concerned admits that he will soon retire in June," he said.
However, the Bandar Lampung Bawaslu will still hold a plenary meeting, in order to make a decision whether this ASN will be reported to the ASN Commission (KASN) or not.
"Later, we will likely call again for a candidate who is still an ASN candidate, because Bawaslu still has supervision time until DCS at the end of June," he said.
Meanwhile, a candidate from PAN who is still an ASN, Sutomo, said that he had actually submitted a pension letter as a civil servant (PNS) in Bandar Lampung City.
"I have submitted a pension letter, it's just that I haven't uploaded the letter to the nomination application system (silon). Yesterday I was in a hurry, but I already know there must be that requirement," he said.
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