
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said his relationship with the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) had long been built, especially since the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilkada when he was paired with Anies Baswedan.

"I convey that PKS is an old friend. PKS is struggling in DKI to fight in 2017-2019, chemistry has been built," said Sandiaga Uno at the DKI Jakarta PWNU Halal Bihalal Event as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.

Sandiaga said that he and PKS had discussed economic issues, one of which was the axis of accelerating development to resolve issues in the community.

Moreover, Sandiaga has a very good relationship with PKS officials so that he does not deny the opportunity to fight together again in the political arena.

Regarding the Kompas Research and Development survey, which discussed it a lot as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) for the 2024 General Election, Sandiaga appreciated the enthusiasm of the community for providing a level of satisfaction with its performance in the government.

Moreover, he emphasized that he would continue to support the improvement of employment that must continue to grow and be created by the business world.

"The high price of basic commodities is also a note in the Kompas Research and Development survey, of course whoever is deemed worthy to solve the problem must be prepared, don't be complacent," he added.

Thus, Sandi agame assessed that all the nomination decisions returned to the rights of the leadership of political parties, so he was just waiting for the right time.

"I don't want to rush, I don't want to rush, I actually want to get a lot of input from the kiai," he concluded.

Previously, PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu revealed that his party was still capturing the names of the candidates for vice president (cawapres) candidates who would accompany Anies Baswedan in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"Our task is still in an effort to capture the names of the vice presidential candidates for us and will be submitted to the Shura Council," said Syaikhu on Jalan Margasatwa, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Tuesday (23/5).

According to him, his party already has a number of parameters in determining the right vice presidential candidate. The name of the prospective vice presidential candidate Anies is considered to be able to provide a shock effect on the Indonesian people.

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