JAKARTA - The Head of the Monitoring Team for the Effectiveness of Prevention and Handling of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) Komnas HAM Anis Hidayah stated that the TIP problem in East Nusa Tenggara was in the emergency category.
"The indicator can be seen from the increasing vulnerability of the community to become victims, especially in border areas," said Anis, confirmed by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.
Anis explained that in 2022, data from the NTT Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) noted that 120 bodies were repatriated from NTT. As of May 25, 2023, 56 PMI bodies from NTT were recorded as being repatriated through El Tari Airport, Kupang.
He assessed that the TIP problem in NTT could not be separated from the poverty rate and low public education. Furthermore, regarding the prevention aspect, the findings of the Komnas HAM TIP Team are the lack of intensive coordination between Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) who are in charge of the TIP Task Force.
In addition, there are also economic problems and the process of social reintegration has not yet been running which causes high recurrence potential.
Anis assessed that the role of the village government requires improvement in data collection, provision of information, and services, as well as supervision of its citizens who will work abroad.
"Cases for falsifying documents for departure requirements still occur a lot," said Anis.
Komnas HAM then recommended a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the TIP Law at the Central and regional levels, as well as its completeness. This is to identify obstacles and practices, both in the prevention and handling of TIP.
In addition, Komnas HAM also recommends providing adequate budget allocations in the prevention and handling of TIP cases in NTT Province, as well as encouraging the common perception between law enforcement officers and strengthening human resources through the combined education and training of APH.
"Strengthening the functions and roles of the village government in preventing TIP," said Anis.
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