
PEKANBARU Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Helson Siagian ensured that the central government would participate in handling regional road improvements in Riau Province. Currently, helson asked local governments to ensure the fulfillment of readiness criteria, such as licensing documents and support so that road improvements can begin immediately. So far there have been ten regional roads in Riau Province that have met the requirements to be handled immediately by the Ministry of PUPR," said Helson, Tuesday, May 23. On that occasion, Helson said that the central government's role in dealing with road repairs in Riau was a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's orders contained in Presidential Instruction 3/2023 concerning the Acceleration of Regional Road Connectivity Improvement. In addition, the government has also prepared a budget of IDR 32.7 trillion in stages in the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year to handle road improvements in various regions. Helson explained that the implementation of Presidential Instruction 3/2023 will be focused on handling roads that connect economic centers and people's production areas, both those related to industry, tourism, agriculture, plantations, and other productive sectors.

This Presidential Instruction is a form of collaboration between the central and regional governments to ensure the safety of regional road conditions. And what needs to be noted is that the handling of regional roads remains the responsibility of the provincial government, district government, and city governments according to their respective duties and authorities, "concluded Helson. For information, a coordination meeting to accelerate the handling of regional roads in Riau Province, attended by the Regional Secretary of Riau Province SF Harianto, Bengkalis Regent Kasmarni, and Pelalawan Regent Zukri as well as representatives from a number of local governments. This meeting aims to capture and sharpen regional road handling proposals.

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