
JAKARTA - The leadership council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) held a halalbihalal with all components of the nation to strengthen ties of friendship. The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, who was present at the event, also conveyed a message to the entire MUI family.

"As Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, I fully believe that the existence of the Indonesian Ulema Council will continue to be consistent as protectors and guides of Indonesian Muslims and also other religious communities," said Puan at the halalbihalal event held at the Bidakara Hotel Ballroom, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 18 evening.

The Halalbihalal MUI was attended by representatives of all legislative institutions ranging from the DPR RI, the MPR RI, to the DPD RI, as well as representatives from the executive institution, namely the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture MuHAzir Effendi and the Minister of Tourism, Sandiaga Uno.

Puan came with the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Ahmad Basarah. In the event, a video of the testimonials from the Chairman of the DPR RI was also shown for the MUI extended family holding halal bi halal.

At the beginning of his remarks, Bung Karno's grandson conveyed warm greetings to all MUI administrators both at the center and in the regions.

"I, Puan Maharani, Chairperson of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia wish you a happy Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriyah, minal aidin walfai idzin, apologize born and inner to all leaders of the Central Ulema Council and all Heads of MUI Provinces and Regencies/Cities throughout Indonesia, leaders and members of Islamic Organizations as well as Masyayikh, Kyai, Ulama and Ustadzah as well as Muslim and all-community leaders," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also said that this halalbihalal event, as held by the Central MUI leadership, was a form of effort to strengthen the ties of friendship in Indonesia as a pluralistic nation. The spirit of togetherness, said Puan, has set aside differences among the nation's children that make Indonesia strong as a country with a single diversity.

"Back to the identity of the Indonesian nation as a nation that is destined by Allah SWT to become a pluralistic nation of various ethnic groups, religions and beliefs, races, languages and groups but united by a spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika based on Pancasila," said Puan.

MUI as an institution that has the authority to issue a fatwa or law in Islam is said to have made a major contribution in establishing religious law norms by legislators.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives added that MUI was one of the pillars of the nation that brought harmony to Indonesia. Puan also believes that MUI has a big role to play in achieving the spirit of national unity.

"MUI continues to maintain, care for and develop the spirit of ukhuwah Islamiyah (brotherhood of fellow Muslims), ukhuwah wathoniyah (national brotherhood) and ukhuwah insaniyah (brotherhood of fellow human beings) in order to achieve national unity as a prerequisite for the implementation of national development for the benefit of the people's welfare," explained the 2 honorist Causa Doctor's degree.

The halalbihalal event of the MUI Leadership Council was opened with a chanting of the holy Qur'an, then continued with a speech from the Chairman of the Committee KH Cholil Nafis. In addition, the Deputy General Chairperson of MUI, KH. Marsudi Syuhud also gave a speech to all the audience.

All invited guests also heard a key lecture from the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD.

After the remarks and directions, this halimbihalal event was filled with a tausiyah agenda by KH. Anwar Iskandar and KH. Saad Ibrahim.

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