
CIANJUR - Regency Government (Pemkab) Cianjur, West Java, experienced a teacher crisis with the status of civil servants (PNS) as many as 6,000 people since the last few years, so to cover the needs of the school still relies on honorary staff. Head of the Cianjur Regency Youth and Sports Education Office (Disdikpora), Akib Ibrahim said that every year at least 400 civil servant teachers retire, so that teacher shortages continue to grow and can only be covered with honorary teachers. "The number of elementary and junior high school teachers in Cianjur is around 8,000 people, while the need to reach 14,000 teachers every year, however the number of civil servant teachers continues to decrease because every year many also retire," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 16. The lack of civil servant status teachers that has occurred since the last few years, is exacerbated by the absence of appointment of civil servants in the field of new education, so that the lack of teachers, especially in the southern region, only relies on honorary teachers. However in 2021-2022 the shortage of teachers began to be filled with the appointment of Government Employee teachers with Contract Agreements (PPPK) as many as 3,143 people and added 743 people in 2024 because they had passed the selection but the quota in 2023 was exhausted. 2023. "Next year there will be an additional 743 people because the quota for this year has run out so that they have only received a decree next year. Although the number has reached 3,886 people, the number of people, however the shortage is still at 6,000 people due to the large number of teachers who have retired, "he said.

Even so, Akib continued, the need for teaching staff in Cianjur Regency has not been met and honorary teachers is still a solution because most schools in remote areas are only filled with one or two civil servant teachers who do not live in school locations. "We hope that next year there will be another appointment of PPPK teachers so that the teacher crisis in Cianjur can be resolved, up to thousands of honorary teachers who have worked for a dozen years getting clear status certainty and allowances," he said.

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