Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the removal of assets as many as 417 TransJakarta buses had urged it to be carried out.
"We hope that this removal process can be carried out soon," said Syafrin at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.
Syafrin explained that the proposed asset deletion had been carried out since 2018 but has not yet been realized because it has not received DPRD approval.
"The proposal has been long ago from 2018. Then, only yesterday was discussed. So that the acceleration efforts of all of these are of course important," explained Syafrin.
Syafrin said that the DKI Jakarta Regional Asset Management Agency (BPAD) is currently conducting administrative arrangements regarding the TransJakarta bus asset data.
"Friends at BPAD also continue to organize the proposed data-based administration, then after it is clear (completed), then it enters the field review," said Syafrin.
Previously, BPADDKI Jakarta stated that it was still necessary to check the complete data on 417 TransJakarta buses before submitting to the DPRD to obtain auction approval.
"Yes, everything needs an administrative process, we need to check. This is still a process," said Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Asset Management Agency (BPAD) Lusiana Herawati when met at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building.
However, when asked more clearly regarding the administration that must be prepared, Lusiana did not explain in more detail.
"It's been years of buses, we have to check one by one," he said.
Later, the data will be given to the DPRD before a review of the condition of the bus in the field. After the DPRD gives its blessing, then the auction process for hundreds of buses can be carried out.
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