
JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani conveyed a message from the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) or AIPA Message at the 42nd ASEAN Summit (KTT). There are a number of things that are in the spotlight of AIPA which is a parliamentary forum for countries in Southeast Asia.

Before the event started, Puan had a friendly talk with President Joko Widodo as Chair of ASEAN 2023 in the courtyard of the Meruorah Hotel, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, NTT, Wednesday, May 10. Also present were Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Haji Anwar bin Ibrahim and a number of other ASEAN heads of state.

AIPA Message was conveyed by Puan on the agenda of the ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting which is one of a series of events at the ASEAN Summit. ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting is a plenary session between government leaders and parliamentary leaders of countries in Southeast Asia.

Entering the location of the event which was held at the Meruorah Convention Center Ballroom, Puan was greeted by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono. Deputy Chairman of Commission IX DPR RI Charles Honoris also accompanied Puan.

ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting was opened by President Jokowi as the host of the event. He then invited Puan to give a speech and deliver AIPA Message which had been prepared by ASEAN parliamentary leaders at the Preparatory Meeting yesterday, Tuesday (9/5).

To note, Puan was chosen to deliver AIPA Message because of her position as Chair of AIPA in 2023.

"I am honored to congratulate President Joko Widodo as Chair of ASEAN," said Puan in English.

"I believe that under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, ASEAN has different opportunities to show its strategic interests for the region and the global community," continued the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

Puan then highlighted the issue of ASEAN's economic growth in 2023 of 4.8 percent, which is much higher than the world's economic growth which only rose 2.8 percent. On that basis, he believes ASEAN will become a growth epicenter.

"But with global challenges that have never happened before and regional dynamics that overshadow the region, we also realize that there is still a lot to be done in terms of maintaining regional stability as a prerequisite for development," said Puan.

The challenges in question include post-Covid-19 economic recovery, climate change that makes the weather difficult to predict, the energy and food crisis caused by war. Then, added Puan, the increasing geopolitical tensions were triggered by conflicts of interest.

"We are required to work closely together, the government and parliament, executives and legislatures, to strengthen our position as we move forward to ensure prosperity for our people," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

"Therefore, as members of parliament, we are ready to provide political support and work with our ASEAN colleagues to get through these difficult times and build a more agile ASEAN," added Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson revealed that the development of AIPA has made a positive contribution to building Southeast Asia into a peace area. Other positive contributions, according to Puan, include the stability of cooperation and development, as well as the resolution of global issues such as terrorism and forced power conflicts.

"This serves as a platform for us, the AIPA Member Parliament, to carry out our parliamentary diplomatic functions, including exchanging views and opinions on regional and international issues," he explained.

Puan stated that AIPA is also a forum for ASEAN state parliaments exploring new ways to strengthen cooperation in various fields.

"Especially in the field of political-security, economic and social-culture issues, and to encourage legal harmonization," said Puan.

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