
The Bawaslu immediately summoned the top official of Bandar Lampung City regarding the alleged news of an official vehicle (randis) or a local city government crane to be used to put up the flag of one of the political parties (political parties). "Tomorrow we will summon officials in this city and related parties to ask for clarification on the alleged case," said Bandarlampung City Bawaslu Chairman Candrawansah in Bandarlampung, Antara, Tuesday, May 9. Bawaslu has received information regarding the alleged randis belonging to the City Government used to put up the flag of one of the political parties and has deployed the sub-district panwaslu, especially Labuhan Ratu, to deepen the information. "We have been plenary regarding the alleged installation of political party attributes using a car that is indicated to belong to the Bandarlampung city government, so tomorrow we will summon several people and top officials at the city government," he said. Candrawansah emphasized that all state civil servants (ASN) should not play with practical politics and not participate in winning election participants. "By calling this top official in the Bandarlampung City Government as a warning for ASN not to play with practical politics," he said. ASN, he continued, must be neutral and it is clear that they cannot carry out practical politics, so these civil servants should continue to carry out their duties and functions as public services. "This must also be warned by ASN. Yes, this is one part of us in preventing, not only sending letters to the Bandarlampung City Government, but Bawaslu conducting formal summons, and handling violations properly," he said. He also emphasized that every issue of ASN neutrality has strong indications of violations, Bawaslu will forward it to the ASN commission through Bawaslu Lampung. "So far, from 2022, three people have been indicated to have violated the neutrality of ASN and have been forwarded to KASN, even regarding our search, there are lurahs that have put stickers on, Bawaslu has continued to KASN," he said.
Viral news circulated that the Bandarlampung City Public Works service crane was used to put up the flag of one of the Political Parties on one of the roads in the local city. The car is usually used for tree maintenance and maintenance of LPJU.

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