
JABAR - The Cimahi City Housing and Settlement Areas (DPKP) are targeting to reduce six hectares of slum areas by 2023 by arrangement at various points.

Head of the Housing and Settlement Division of the Cimahi City DPKP Sambas Subagja said the arrangement would be focused on four urban villages, namely RW 6 Cipageran Village, RW 12 Pasirkaliki Village, RW 1 Cimahi Village and RW 19 Citeureup Village.

"We have planned the handling and of course the DPKP is not only a DPKP. There are other OPDs involved in the arrangement of slum areas," said Sambas in a written statement, Monday, May 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

Sambas said that the arrangement of slum areas in Cimahi City is expected so that Cimahi City can be free from slum areas.

He continued, the arrangement of these slum areas continues and has shown results, where the slum area in Cimahi City 2022 has decreased compared to 2021.

"In 2021, slum areas in Cimahi City will reach 156.44 hectares. However, that number can be reduced by about five hectares in 2022," he said.

Sambas said the remaining slum areas were in 15 urban villages throughout Cimahi City, but according to him, all of them were in the moderate category.

"Current data collection is in all urban villages, then in Cimahi City, all slums are light, nothing is heavily slum," said Sambas.

Sambas said that it took a long time to free Cimahi City from slum areas if you look at predetermined indicators, such as building regularity, having environmental roads, having drainage, availability of clean water, management of domestic waste water, waste treatment, and protection of fires.

Of all these indicators, he said, the most difficult things to alleviate are the regularity and density of buildings, where the Cimahi City area has the characteristics of densely populated settlements.

"So the indicators of the first slum area are regularity and density of buildings. Indeed, this is the most difficult. The regularity and density of these buildings, for example, environmental roads are not appropriate, then there is no green open space. This means this, if you really want to be free of slums visually, this dense building should be consolidated again," he said.

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