JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will supervise and routinely conduct patrols in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta. This is because the location is often used as a wild car racing arena.
"We will patrol these places," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman to reporters, Monday, May 8.
Regarding the patrol mechanism, traffic police (polantas) members will adjust to vulnerable times. This means that prevention activities are carried out at times where illegal racing often occurs.
This preventive measure was taken because illegal racing was considered detrimental to other communities. The perpetrators did not want to stop other vehicles for a while to use the road as a racing arena.
"People should not do things that should not be done because it disturbs public order and disturbs the public," he said.
On the other hand, in the action that had been taken, 4 drivers were caught. They are sanctioned by a ticket.
"So we did the follow-up, we have secured several vehicles and we are carrying out coaching and prosecution. There are 4 cars (secured)," he said.
The riders can be dealt with after being identified with the ETLE camera. They couldn't dodge being involved in illegal racing.
"We are trying to tell us to go to his parents. This can be detected because our e-TLE was also caught, so we can identify it," he said.
"We do coaching and fines. We first secure the vehicle at the Gakkum Sub-Directorate," Latif continued.
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