JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) appealed to doctors not to leave the responsibility of serving patients, following calls for peaceful demonstrations related to the rejection of the Health Bill.
"Patient service must be prioritized. Let colleagues remember our oath to dedicate life for the benefit of humanity and always prioritize the health of patients," said Ministry of Health spokesman Dr Mohammad Syahril in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, May 7.
It is everyone's right, but do not let participation in demonstrations and plans for a mass strike to serve patients even sacrifice the interests of the wider community.
The Ministry of Health asks doctors and health workers on duty in all government service units not to leave service duties during working hours without valid reasons and permission from the head of the work unit.
This provision is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline and other provisions that apply to each health service facility.
Syahril also appealed to doctors and health workers to avoid provocations amid the discussion of the Health Bill at Commission IX of the DPR RI.
Reporting from the press release of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB-IDI), the demonstration will be held on Monday (8/5) 2023) involving five professional organizations.
The organizations are the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI), and the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI).
The call for peace was intended to stop the government's discussion of the Omnibuslaw Health Bill.
"This peaceful action is a form of concern for health professional organizations to see the process of making hasty regulations and not paying attention to input from professional organizations that incidentally are field workers," said Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association Executive Board Adib Khumaidi.
He guarantees that access to health services for the community is still well served in every region.
"Protes and service leave are human rights as stated in the universal UN declaration of human rights. Around the world, peaceful actions and protests are being held to criticize human rights violations, to expressly prioritize organizational or community views on the government or state authorities," said Adib Khumaidi.
Chairman of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) Harif Fadhilah highlighted that the Health Bill has the potential to weaken legal protection and certainty for nurses and the public.
Another demand is that the Health Bill is considered to have the potential to trigger criminalization for doctors and health workers.
"We also appeal to all members of professional organizations to remain solid in fighting for the interests of the profession and society," said Harif Fadhilah.
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