
JAKARTA - AR (35), a perpetrator of sexual irregularities who was caught on CCTV cameras, was stepping on in front of a resident's house in the Kemayoran area, which is still being investigated at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit. To the police, AR also admitted his actions.

"The perpetrator admitted that his intention to commit the act was due to lust and to vent his lust," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Hady Saputra Siagian when confirmed, Friday, May 5.

The perpetrator committed obscene acts in a public place on Jalan Sumur Batu, Gurame alley, RT 01/08, Cempaka Baru Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta. The incident occurred on Wednesday, May 3.

"There were three witnesses who were questioned. They were from the owner of the CCTV footage, residents and the owner of the contract of the perpetrator," he said.

According to the witness' testimony with the initials FU, the incident occurred on Wednesday, May 3, at around 03.37 WIB. While cooking, the witness saw the CCTV monitor screen. It turned out that in front of the house there was a man who was standing suspicious.

After being noticed, the person lowered his pants and wearing his hands. Then the witness reprimanded the perpetrator, "What are you doing?".

After hearing the person's action, the perpetrator fled. Furthermore, after the video went viral, the perpetrator with the initials AR was arrested at the perpetrator's residence on Thursday afternoon, May 4.

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