JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) formed a special team to investigate the shooting incident at the Central MUI office, Jalan Proclamation, Central Jakarta.
The chairman of the MUI for Da'wah and Ukhuwah, KH Cholil Nafis, explained that the formation of the special team was to complete two things, namely the completion of the mechanism for legal and social aspects to continue to maintain the spirit of da'wah for the people.
"Yes, we are still on the path of truth, the spirit of preaching, and also always provide the best space for the nation and state," said Cholil as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 5.
MUI took this stance in a meeting with a number of mass organization figures at the Central MUI Office, Jakarta, Thursday (4/5). Charil said a number of mass organizations present at the meeting were worried about the acts of terror that occurred at the Central MUI Office.
From that incident, they asked for an escalation of security and security to be improved in the future. He also mentioned that the figures present provided a number of suggestions, including that MUI needs to involve a digital security system, such as using a cyber security detector.
"Yes, still MUI is a common home, a beacon for mass organizations. Strict security does not eliminate comfort and easy access as a common home," said Cholil.
Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the MUI for Law and Human Rights (HAM) Ikhsan Abdullah said the formation of the special team was a follow-up among internal institutions.
The special team consists of nine people who are active administrators at MUI, ranging from deputy chairmen (waketum), heads of fields, to members of other administrators.
"(Special team) Ini diketuai langsung oleh Ketua MUI Bidang Hukum dan HAM Prof. Noor Achmad," kata Ikhsan.
He said that his party continues to analyze psychological characteristics or profiling of the shooter identified as Mustafa Asal Lampung. In addition, MUI also continues to investigate a number of irregularities related to the shooting.
Also highlighted about the sudden death of the perpetrator. In fact, he continued, several witnesses said that the perpetrator when he was arrested was still in good health.
"We hope that the doctor who did the post-mortem can reveal the death of the perpetrator," he added.
Another oddity that Ikhsan highlighted was related to a report that said the perpetrator had actually long sent a letter to the Polda Metro Jaya. The contents of the letter, he said, contained terror and threats to state institutions and MUI.
"But so far there has been no preventive action regarding this matter," he said.
Ikhsan also denied that the public's assumption about the action occurred because the perpetrator was in a mental condition.
According to Ikhsan, the perpetrators have so far been identified as an actor of interest in seeing the perpetrator's skills as a shooter, traces accounts containing hundreds of millions of funds, to digital traces of affiliation with a number of individuals.
"He didn't stand alone, he was part of the actor. We departed from a number of findings that we continue to explore," he said.
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