The Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipdum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has followed up on police reports filed by families of victims of alleged criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) 20 Indonesian citizens trapped in Myanmar.
Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said that based on the report, the police would also carry out legal proceedings against recruiters, sponsors, or people who dispatched the victims.
"The title of the case will also be carried out in order to increase this case into an investigation and determine the suspect in this case," Ramadhan said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 4.
According to Ramadhan, Bareskrim Polri has conducted an investigation related to the alleged TPPO against 20 Indonesian citizens in Myanmar reported by the family, accompanied by the Deputy Diplomat of the Directorate of Protection of Indonesian Citizens of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) Rina Komaria and General Chair of the Indonesian Migrant Labor Union (SBMI) Hariyanto Suwarno.
Investigators, he continued, had asked for information from the victim's parents.
"The examination of the victim's parents has been carried out," he said.
Based on the results of the examination of the victim's parents, information was found that the victim was dispatched by a sponsor with the country to Thailand. However, in the end, the Indonesian citizens were transferred to Myanmar.
"The victim has been transferred to several places because he has not reached the target. The victim is still in Myanmar. After news related to the victim went viral, it caused the victim's parents to be unable to communicate with the victim again," Ramadhan said.
Regarding the condition of 20 Indonesian citizens in Myanmar, the one-star general also said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had forwarded to the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon, then a diplomatic note was sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar.
"The Indonesian Embassy has also coordinated with local officials and the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon has communicated with the victims," he said.
From the results of the search, he continued, the 20 Indonesian citizens were not recorded in the Myanmar Immigration traffic. Thus, it is suspected of entering Myanmar illegally.
The twenty Indonesian citizens were detected in Myawaddy, which is an area of armed conflict between the Myanmar military (Tat Ma Daw) and the Karen rebels.
Meanwhile, Myanmar authorities were unable to enter the Myawaddy area because the location was controlled by the rebels.
"Due to these conditions, the Myanmar government has not been able to follow up on complaints from the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon," said Ramadhan.
Efforts to free the 20 Indonesian citizens, said Ramamadhan, continue to be carried out. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has coordinated with various parties to find ways to help these Indonesian citizens, including coordinating with the Bali Process Regional Support Office in Bangkok, IOM and IJM (International Justice Mission).
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has met and explained the latest updates on the handling, challenges, and situation for SBMI and the families of 20 Indonesian citizens," said Ramadhan. Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said that his party had pocketed the identity of the perpetrators of TIP, including receiving the names of the perpetrators of TIP from the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. "We have (received) and are currently investigating," said Djuhandhani.
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