
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) refused to reject Otto Cornelis (OC) Kaligis to accompany the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe to undergo examination as a suspect on Thursday, May 4.

Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said that at that time Lukas Enembe had been accompanied by Petrus Bala Patyyona as a lawyer, and this was considered to have fulfilled the provisions of the criminal procedural law.

"The information we have obtained has been accompanied by an examination of LE as a suspect. However, not all of them must participate, we think it is sufficient as needed and met by the provisions of the criminal procedural law," Ali said in Jakarta, Thursday, May 4, confiscated by Antara.

Ali then revealed that the anti-corruption agency also received a letter from the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) regarding the OC Kaligis, which is still registered as an advocate, but has not renewed its membership.

"It is explained in Peradi's internal regulations, the issuance of the Advocate Recognition Card (KTPA) as the official identity of membership and information obtained by Prof. DR (Jur) OC Kaligis, SH has not carried out data again since 2013 until now, so the KTPA of its advocates is no longer valid," he said.

The KPK has named Lukas Enembe as a suspect on suspicion of receiving gratuities from the Director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua (TBP) Rijatono Lakka.

Tersangka Rijatono Lakka diduga menyerahkan uang kepada Lukas Enembe sekitar Rp1 miliar setelah terpilih mengerjakan tiga proyek infrastruktur di Pemprov Papua dengan skema pembiayaan tahun jamak, yakni proyek peningkatan Jalan Entrop-Hamadi dengan nilai proyek Rp14,8 miliar, proyek rehabilitasi sarana dan prasarasung PAUD Integration dengan nilai proyek Rp13,3 miliar, serta proyek penataran lingkungan arena membak luar ruang ruangan AURI dengan nilai proyek Rp12,9 miliar.

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