Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo met the charismatic kiai from Rembang, KH Mustofa Bisri or who is familiarly called Gus Mus, Wednesday, May 3. Arriving at around 10.30 WIB, Ganjar was immediately received by Gus Mus in his living living room, at the Raudlatut Thalibin Islamic Boarding School complex in Leteh, Rembang. What are the two talking about?
At the beginning of the meeting, Ganjar, who was wearing batik clothes and had a cap, immediately asked how the cleric was. Like meeting his son, Gus Mus immediately embraced Ganjar.
Healthy Gus,' said the grandson of KH Hisyam Kalijaran's son-in-law while kissing Gus Mus' hand.
The two of them immediately sat side by side. KH Nawawi also appeared to accompany Ganjar Pranowo.
Gus Mus, who was dressed all white, immediately pat Ganjar's thigh while conveying his condition. "Healthy, healthy. Alhamdulillah, during Ramadan yesterday, he was healthy," said Gus Mus.
After about two hours of talking, Ganjar said goodbye to continue his journey to visit KH Ahmad Balauddin Nursalim or Gus Baha.
To reporters, Ganjar said his visit to Gus Mus' residence was for friendship and halal bihalal. "Ya halal bihalal, syawalan, yes sungkem with Gus Mus. Discuss sambel terong," he said.
When asked if they also discussed politics, Ganjar revealed that chats with Gus Mus were always light and funny things.
"When I went to Mbah Mus's place, the conversation was funny and interesting, not hard. So the conversation was easy. Instead, what was asked was, how come I didn't have a chance (Mr. Atikoh, how come I didn't come)," he said.
Ganjar also said that Gus Mus had no special message to him. Ganjar said the message or order given by Gus Mus was for Ganjar to taste the sambel terong.
An interesting moment occurred when Ganjar Pranowo was questioned by reporters about the candidate for vice president who would accompany him.
Ganjar yang enggan menjawab, kemudian disahut oleh Gus Mus. Cawapres e aku wae, wis aku wae (kawapresnya saja, sudah aku), sejooh Gus Mus membuat suasana geran-geran.
Gus Mus said that no special message was given to Ganjar.
During the meeting, said Gus Mus, he and Ganjar Pranowo only chatted about each other's daily lives. 'Talking about sports, traveling in the morning. He rides a bicycle, if I walk. He always walks. I don't. (Is there a message?) No, at least we chat, nation, that's what he thinks, everyday, "he said.
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