
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko together with the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) checked the readiness of telecommunications infrastructure for the 42nd ASEAN Summit at PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, Wednesday 3 May.

On that occasion, Moeldoko emphasized that good and reliable telecommunications infrastructure is very important in ensuring the success of the ASEAN Summit. Because, without adequate telecommunications infrastructure, information related to the ASEAN Summit cannot be conveyed effectively and quickly to the public and the world.

"We don't want the success of the ASEAN Summit to only be heard among certain circles. The success of the ASEAN Summit must reach all Indonesian people and the world community," said Moeldoko.

"This is a repeat of the G20. It must be better. Services must be optimum. What threats and disturbances must be well detailed, so that they are ready to be mitigated immediately," he added.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also appreciated PT Telkom Indonesia for working hard and maximally in preparing telecommunication infrastructure for the 42nd ASEAN Summit, in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, NTT, on 9-11 May 2023.

Telkom's friends are key. This is the heart of the success of the ASEAN Summit. We can definitely do better than the G20," said Moeldoko.

According to Moeldoko's statement, the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate also considered that adequate telecommunications infrastructure would be Indonesia's showcase at the ASEAN Summit. "This is an opportunity to show off to the international world, that development in Indonesia, especially the telecommunications sector, is sophisticated," said Johnny.

Meanwhile, Director of Network and IT Solution of PT Telkom Indonesia, Herlan Wijanarko, said that the readiness of telecommunications infrastructure for the 42nd ASEAN Summit was 100 percent.

"It's just a process of integration, sir," said Herlan to the Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko and the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate.

Not only the readiness of telecommunications infrastructure. According to Herlan, his party also ensures that the quality and security of communication routes for ASEAN countries delegates will not experience problems so they can enjoy the best experience while in Indonesia.

Quoting PT Telkom Indonesia's press release, one of the preparations made by TelkomGroup is to improve the quality and capacity of a number of Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in Labuan Bajo. TelkomGroup also helps maintain the quality of the fiber optic (FO)-based internet network in Labuan Bajo.

In addition, TelkomGroup has placed various services to support the telecommunication needs of ASEAN's 42nd Summit participants since arriving at Komodo Airport to the location of the peak event at the Meruorah Hotel. The presence of various services can also be found in the activities areas of the delegates, guests, and the media covering the ASEAN 2023 Summit, namely Hotelaya, Bintang Flores Hotel, Mice Golo Mori, Plataran, to Puncak Waringin.

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