
The shooting case of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office has now been handled by the police. Central MUI chairman Cholil Nafis entrusted the investigation of this terror case to the authorities.

"The perpetrator has been secured by the authorities. We believe the security forces are able to resolve it well," Cholil said on his Twitter account @cholilnafis, Tuesday, May 2.

Cholil said the shooting that terrorized his office resulted in two victims. One victim was hit by a bullet and another was hit by broken glass from a shot.

"The glass broke and the reflection of the bullet was hit by a respionist staffgunv and broken glass hit the hands of staff and security bodies. All minor injuries," he said.

The shooting occurred at the MUI office located in Menteng, Central Jakarta at around 10.30 WIB. The perpetrator is said to have died behind the series of shootings.

"The perpetrator has died," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komaruddin when confirmed.

However, the cause of the death behind the shooting has yet to be conveyed. The reason is that this matter is still waiting for information from members at the scene.

It is only conveyed if there is only one perpetrator of the shooting. "Yes, we are currently processing the crime scene, examining witnesses and so on," he said.

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