Welcome (again) Jakarta Congestion
Hek Traffic Flow Condition, Jalan Raya Bogor, East Jakarta/DOK TMC Polda Metro Jaya


JAKARTA - Jakarta is back in the factory setting. Traffic jams all over the place.

Perhaps this term is suitable to start the first day of work in early May. Yes, Jakarta is jammed again.

After the streets were empty during Eid al-Fitr and the Eid holidays, private vehicles from cars and motorbikes began to fall into the streets.

Today, Tuesday, May 2, is the beginning of a working day for those who 'continue' the Eid holiday until the weekend. Indeed, the government provides collective leave until Tuesday, April 25. But the traffic flow the next day, Wednesday, April 26, is arguably far from normal conditions in Jakarta.

Judging from Instagram Jakarta Info @jktinfo, there are several photos of uploads of people's shipments starting to return to normal work today.

In the area of Fatmawati MRT Station, South Jakarta, it appears that motorbikes and private cars are traveling this morning. The same condition also occurred in Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

Other netizens sent a photo of the condition on Jalan Letjend Suprapto Cempaka Putih which was crowded with vehicles.

Even with the MT Haryono area, South Jakarta. Congestion on weekdays, happened again.

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