
MUARA ENIM - Police officers arrested a warehouse owner of an adulterated diesel fuel production warehouse in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra.

The illegal activities of processing the mixed diesel were revealed after the warehouse located in Hamlet 2, Simpang Tanjung Village, Belimbing, Muara Enim exploded on Thursday (27/4).

Muara Enim Police Chief AKBP Andi Supriadi said the owner of the solar oplosan warehouse had the initials W (45), a resident of Simpang Tanjung Village, Muara Enim.

"Yes, that's right, W is currently undergoing examination at the police headquarters after being arrested in the early hours of this morning," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, April 28.

According to him, the Muara Enim Police Criminal Investigation Unit Team since Friday afternoon is still in the process of processing the crime scene.

In the process, he said, it involved the South Sumatra Regional Police Forensic Laboratory Team to sharpen the results of the case investigation.

Therefore, he said, to be clearer regarding the case, it will be submitted as soon as the team on the ground completes its duties.

Pelaku W kepada penyidik kepolisian mengakui sebelum membunyikan, gudang tersebut menyimpan sebanyak tiga ton solar oplosan.

The raw materials for the solar oplosan come from diesel yields from crude mills in Musi Banyuasin Regency which are then mixed with solar produced by the government.

In addition to securing the perpetrators, he said, the police confiscated evidence of eight types of water pump machines, dozens of iron drums, and fiber "tedmods", two modified tanks, and one burning car tank at the scene.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with violating Article 54 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas and or Article 480 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for six years and a fine of Rp. 60 billion.

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