
The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto, the political movement will become more massive after the general chairman, Megawati Soekarnoputri announced the name of the presidential candidate (candidate) to be carried. This momentum is considered to be a determinant so that the figure is not carelessly mentioned.

"In the end, it will also be determined who will be determined and those patterns will work, and that will be determined later. This political band will move from the determination of the presidential candidate from Bu Mega whose momentum will be delivered in the right time," said Hasto to reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 18.

Even so, Hasto said that every party that supports the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can be transformed to welcome the 2024 presidential election. Moreover, PDIP wants the cohesiveness that has been established now to occur again to leave its legacy.

Moreover, his party also often meets other parties that support the government. Including, establishing communication with the Golkar Party.

"As one of the functions of the party's central leadership council, we often meet informally with other political party leaders," he said.

Therefore, Hasto believes that the solidity of parties supporting the Jokowi government can be maintained in the future. "The attitude of the PDI-P is very clear," said Hasto.

"Our position continues to maintain the solidity of cohesiveness of the entire party that carries Mr. Jokowi Kiyai-Ma'ruf Amin. So that all legacy in all aspects of Pak Jokowi's leadership can be built as well as possible," he concluded.

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