
JAKARTA - TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said the evacuation of Private Miftahul Arifin was hampered by the weather. Private Miftahul died during a rescue mission for Susi Air pilot Philip Mehrtens.

The TNI soldier slipped into a ravine due to the slope of the terrain during a shootout with the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). Currently, his body is still in the ravine.

"The one who died fell into a ravine, so we are currently trying to evacuate them," said Yudo in a press conference, Tuesday, April 18.

Yudo confirmed that the process of evacuating Private Miftahul is still being pursued.

"Because of the weather the evacuation process was hampered, but efforts are being made," said Yudo.

Private First Class Miftahul Arifin is a soldier from the Yonif Raider 321/Galuh Taruna Infantry Battalion Task Force (Yonif R 321/GT) who died during a shootout between the TNI and KKB in Mugi District, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains, Saturday, April 15.

Miftahul died while with the Yonif R 321/GT Task Force group on duty in the Mugi area looking for Susi Air Pilot who was held hostage by KKB.

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