
JAKARTA - Lawyer David Ozora, Mellisa Anggraini revealed that there are institutions that take care of children only focus on child perpetrators, AG during the Diversion Deliberation of cases of persecution. He considered that no attention was given to his client as a victim.

"I still remember clearly how at the time of deliberation the diversion of all child institutions that accompanied the process, all of them only conveyed about child perpetrators, there was even an institution that should be concerned about the victim and did not convey anything related to the victim," Melisa said as quoted from her Twitter account @MellisA_An on Tuesday, April 18.

Mellisa did not mention the institution clearly. However, this attitude became the question of the judge who acted as a facilitator.

"The judge who became a facilitator in the deliberation process questioned, how come no one conveyed anything related to the victim, the focus was on the victim," he said, telling the judge's surprise during the Diversion Conference.

Mellisa said as David's attorney, he had met with this institution at Polda Metro Jaya. In fact, his client's condition has been thoroughly explained.

However, in fact, this institution actually focuses on defending AG. Thus, Mellisa and David's family had to re-explain the condition of the victims of the persecution from the start until the deliberation process was carried out.

As a result of this incident, Mellisa then expressed her disappointment with the institution and only then did they come to David who was still being treated at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta. "For the first time the person concerned came," he said.

"The first to come after the diversion is not the commissions but other institutions. The commissions have arrived when the child is still in a coma to meet his parents, at this time they seem busy," Mellisa wrote, adding her statement.

Furthermore, Mellisa regretted that there were parties who tried to protect child perpetrators. Because when David was attacked with various issues, no one defended him.

Even though at that time, his client was in a coma. "When the victim's child was slandered by the state of harassment, there was no statement from them criticizing the parties who had slandered him," he concluded.

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