JAKARTA - Homecomers using two-wheeled vehicles continue to arrive at Bakauheni Port, Lampung on Tuesday or D-4 Lebaran 2023.
Based on observations at the location at 04.00 WIB until 05.30 WIB, travelers can be seen using motorbikes that want to get off the ship crammed into each other.
Although there is a density of two-wheeled vehicles that want to get out of the ship together, it does not cause a buildup of vehicles that take too long and look like they are running smoothly and safely.
Ardi (25), one of the motorists, said that traveling from Ciwandan Harbor to Bakauheni took approximately three to four hours to sail.
"If the trip is safe, sir, it's only a little longer, about 3 to 4 hours in the middle of the sea," said Ardi.
He also said that this year's trip for two-wheeled vehicles was diverted to Ciwandan Port.
"If it's good, it's delicious now through Ciwan Harbor and not too congested on the road trip," he said.
Another travelers Kiswanto (40) said that the trip from Ciwandan Harbor to Bakauheni is still fairly smooth and comfortable.
"Alhamdulillah, the trip went smoothly, there were no congestion and severe accumulation of vehicles," Kiswanto said in Antara.
He also admitted that he and his family chose to go home early in order to avoid traffic jams on the way.
"Home early because we wanted to avoid severe congestion, we were with our families from Depok to Tulang Bawang Lampung," he said.
Meanwhile, data on motorbikes arriving at Bakauheni Port until Monday, April 17 at 20.00 WIB was recorded at 4,390 units.
Previously, General Manager of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Bakauheni Branch Rudi Sunarko appealed to crossing service users to be able to buy Ferizy tickets from far away.
"So we appeal to prospective travelers from Java to Sumatra and vice versa who will use ASDP crossing services to buy tickets from far away," said Rudi Sunarko.
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