
The Semarang City Government (Pemkot) ensures the readiness of health facilities to welcome travelers to the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

Mayor (Walkot) Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu said the readiness included a health team and medicines at the homecoming post, including the post established by volunteers.

"There are 2-3 units for ambulances (on standby at this post). Yes, of course, we certainly don't expect anyone to be seriously ill," said Ita, Hevearita's nickname, while inspecting the volunteer homecoming post in the Gombel area, Semarang, Saturday, April 15 evening, confiscated by Antara.

However, he continued, if there were travelers who needed referrals, they had been prepared at the KRMT Wongsonegoro Regional General Hospital (RSUD) and the 112 Call Center for Great Ambulances who were always on standby.

For the 2023 Lebaran homecoming flow, he estimates that there will be a surge in the number of travelers, because there are no restrictions on community activities, coupled with the addition of Eid leave.

He estimates that Semarang City will pass and become the destination of the hometown of at least 13 million travelers at the moment of Eid al-Fitr 2023.

For readiness to welcome travelers, Ita ensures that everything has been well prepared, including the homecoming posts that were established are spread across various strategic points that are the route for travelers.

"God willing, all of them will be prepared, especially for homecoming posts outside volunteers starting to be established. There are about 13 points (posko) with the Semarang City Government, TNI, Polri," he said.

He thanked the volunteers who had helped by establishing homecoming posts with various facilities provided, such as the Gombel homecoming post which was established by cross-community volunteers in Semarang City.

From year to year, he admitted, the availability of facilities at the volunteer post has become more complete, such as public kitchens, health posts, and workshops to help travelers whose vehicles are experiencing problems.

"I see that this is getting bigger. Because this is definitely a lot of travelers who use two wheels, so this is a workshop, a place to rest. In fact, each family can be given one place," he said.

For logistical needs in public kitchens and health at volunteer posts, Ita ensures that it is always ready to support the needs of travelers through the facilities of the Social Service and the Semarang City Health Office.

"Public kitchens, from the Social Service Office will support rice or other side dishes. What they need, the Semarang City Government is ready. There are additional (posko) actually the Semarang City Government has been greatly helped," he said

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