
JAKARTA - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) has increased the number of passengers allowed to be transported by KM Labobar. In addition, it also adds to the shipping frequency of the ship on the Balikpapan-Surabaya route.

Director of Passenger Transport Business of PT Pelni Yahya Kuncoro said this was to overcome the surge in the number of prospective passengers ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah.

"Hopefully, then all travelers via this ship from Balikpapan can be transported," Kuncoro said quoting Antara, Saturday, April 15.

Together with Independent Commissioner Kristia Budiarto and VP of Passenger Transport Service Winda Rosetty, Kuncoro saw directly the service to passengers ranging from the ticket inspection process at the departure gate to the placement of passengers on the ship.

KM Labobar, which is outside the Eid al-Fitr homecoming season, can only carry 3,000 passengers on a single road, can temporarily carry up to 3,600 passengers or 20 percent more. During Ramadan, KM Labobar is also scheduled to dock up to 5 times at Semayang Harbor to pick up passengers to Surabaya from normal 2 times only.

"Every ticket buyer is guaranteed a place (seat) on the ship," continued Kuncoro.

Passengers also get mattress facilities. On the ticket there is a seat number to confirm where it is on the ship.

However, only early buyers can find a place in economic wards with bed and mattress facilities. Ticket or passenger buyers are outside the normal transport capacity even though they still get a mattress, get a place in the alley and around the interdek connecting stairs, and in open spaces on each deck on the left side of the ship. Seats or places that are not in the passenger ward are also given numbers.

"This ship has 6 decks, and we will travel to Surabaya in 30 hours," said Captain Sumarjo P, captain of KM Labobar.

"We got on the boat because the tickets were affordable if we wanted to go home with our families," said Ahmad, originally from Ngawi and migrated to Tarakan. The three of Ahmad and his wife and children. The Balikpapan-Surabaya route ticket is less than IDR 500 thousand, only one-third of the aircraft ticket price for the same route.

The surge in the number of passengers is also anticipated in the provision of safety equipment. According to Captain Sumarjo, on the ship there are at least 6000 life jackets available, or twice the number of passengers.

Together with Independent Commissioner Kristia Budiarto, Director Kuncoro also checked a number of toilets, cleaning wards, and availability of trash cans.

We also ask passengers to keep clean. This ship is their home for at least the next 2 days. It is also strictly prohibited to throw garbage into the sea. Throw garbage in the trash that is provided almost everywhere on this ship," said Kuncoro.

He added that toilets on ships are now treated the same as toilets in malls or shopping centers. This means that there are always officers cleaning. On the ship there are also pest control officers or pest controllers, which on the ship means fire, as well as rats. With the presence of pest control officers, there are no more wandering around.

Even though it's Ramadan, passengers still get a share of food 3 times a day. There are even supplementary foods in the form of boxed packaged milk.

"We are also open to criticism and suggestions for better service," said Kuncoro.

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