Long-range coal (Babaranjang) rail operations (KA) crossing South Sumatra (Sumsel) are required to be limited during the moment of Eid homecoming and backflow in 2023.
Head of the South Sumatra National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN), Budiamin, said the effort was made to prevent the potential for high congestion on vehicles during the 1444 Hijri Eid Al-Fitr holiday.
"To maximize the smooth traffic of the roads, it is necessary to arrange the operation of the Babaranjang railway," he said in Palembang City, South Sumatra, Thursday, April 13, which was confiscated by Antara.
He explained that the movement of the Babaranjang train was quite solid, especially passing along the Lahat - Muara Enim - Prabumulih section to Palembang City. "During Eid, the volume of vehicles will certainly increase and it means that potential will also be accompanied," he said. Meanwhile, the South Sumatra Transportation Service predicts that the number of vehicles crossing the Central Cross Sumatra Road in South Sumatra will reach 14,455 and 19,015 units during the peak of the Lebaran homecoming flow on April 19-20 2023 or two days before Eid 2023.
Meanwhile, at the peak of the backflow takes place on May 1, 2023, with an estimated number of vehicles of 23,102 units.
"For this reason, his party will coordinate with the Indonesian Railway and the police in the local area to minimize the potential for long queues," he said.
According to Budiamin, the Central Sumatra Cross Road in South Sumatra spanned 456.5 kilometers starting from the Sarolangun Jambi border section - Lubuk Linggau - Muara Enim - Lahat - Baturaja- Prabumulih to Palembang City.
Meanwhile, his party ensures that the stability of the quality of roads along these sections is now close to perfection or reaching 95.9 percent so that the potential for congestion due to road damage is reduced.
"Just a minor repair is made for about 5 percent of the road, and that can be overcome with efforts to close the hole rigidly holding so that it remains feasible for travelers to pass, on D-10 Eid everything is finished," he concluded.
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