A total of 657 TNI-Polri personnel were deployed to secure the National Coordination Meeting or National Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) at the Claro Hotel, Jalan Edi Sabara, Kendari District, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).
"There are as many as 657 personnel involved," said Kendari Police Chief Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka after checking personnel readiness in the context of securing the National Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of Home Affairs at the Former MTQ Kendari City, Tuesday, April 11, which was confiscated by Antara.
He revealed that the personnel who were deployed would later be divided into four security points.
Eka said, the first security at the Claro Hotel, was 327 personnel.
"Consisting of personnel from the Kendari Police 115 personnel, the Bomb Disposal Team or Jibom 10, the Brimob 12 escape team, Dit Intelkam 10, Dit Pam Obvit 10, Bid Propam five, POM AD five, POM AL five, POM AU five, Satpol PP 30, Health Office 10, and 10 firefighters," he said.
Then, Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman, the traffic and parking route security team as many as 65 personnel, from the Kendari Traffic Police Unit as many as 35 personnel and from the Kendari City Transportation Service (Dishub) as many as 30 personnel.
"Then there is the security for VIP escort or VVIP, there are 20 personnel from the Traffic Directorate of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police," he said.
Finally, said Eka, the Huru-hara Management Team or PHH Sat Brimob Polda Sultra as many as 100 personnel, Detachment 45 Brimob 45 personnel, and personnel from Dalmas Polda Sultra as many as 100 personnel.
Eka also revealed that at the apple, firearms were carried out to personnel involved in security which was immediately carried out by the Joint Propam team of the Southeast Sulawesi Police and the Kendari Police.
"After the inspection, it was continued with the implementation of the Tactical Floor Game or TFG which was followed by the control officer," he said.
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