BOGOR - A resident of Sukagalih Village, Jonggol District, Bogor Regency was shocked by the discovery of a small baby figure of a female gender. The baby was found in a cardboard box beside a bridge. Jonggol Police Chief Kompol Mulyadi Asep Fajar said the baby was found at around 01.00 WIB in the morning, Monday 10 April. Initially, there was a motorcyclist who passed by hearing the sound of a baby's crying. "The motorcyclist turned around and to ensure the baby's crying on a bridge," Mulyadi said in his statement, Monday, April 10. When he was on the bridge, the motorcyclist riding saw a suspicious cardboard. It turned out that the cardboard contained a baby. "The box contains a baby girl allocated with plastic and a set of baby clothes with a baby still red and crying condition," he explained. Next, the baby was taken by the couple to the local midwife and was taken to his parents' house. From there, findings were reported to the Jonggol Police for further investigation. "The investigation process reveals that the baby thrower is being investigated," he said.
The baby's condition is still in good health. The baby girl has a length of 49 centimeters with a weight of 2.9 kilograms. "The baby was taken to the Cariu Health Center for observation," he concluded.
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