
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has arrested six foreign fishing vessels suspected of illegally fishing in the waters of the North Natuna Sea and Sulawesi Waters. The Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision, Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin, said the six illegal fishing vessels caught consisted of five Philippine-flagged fishing vessels and one Vietnamese-flagged fishing vessel. "Operation pemerintahan siskamling laut sebagai bagian dari sistem pengawasan terintegrasi yang didukung teknologi pemantauan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP) terbukti berhasil. Komitmen kami pengawasan di laut tidak akan pernah kosong," kata Adin lewat keterangan yang diterima di Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Antara, Senin, 10 April. The surveillance operation carried out by KP. Orca 01 managed to paralyze five Philippine-flagged fishing vessels consisting of FB. LB LIAM GIL-2, FV. REAN-02, FB. ZIAN 01, FB. LB NOVIRO 08 and FB. MISHIRAY. The five vessels were arrested at WPP-NRI 716 Sulawesi Sea with different coordinate points. Meanwhile, the KP operation. Orca 03, managed to secure a Vietnamese-flagged fishing vessel named TG 9817 TS at WPP 711 North Natuna Sea at coordinates 02°53,132' LU - 104° 52,883' BT. "For Vietnamese-flagged vessels, evidence in the form of ships, 'pair trawl' fishing gear, and a number of fish have been secured at the Anambas SDKP Supervision Unit," he said. In the case of catching five Philippine-flagged fishing vessels, the modus operandi carried out by the perpetrators is still relatively new, said Adin. Two ships named FV. REAN-02 (15 GT) and FB. ZIAN 01 (20 GT) is suspected to be ships of the type “ pump boat ” which is instead functioned as a lampship. The two ships are thought to be ships of the same owner. The “ modus operandi carried out is still relatively new. So they changed the "pump boat" ship which should be a fishing vessel into a lampship, which is an auxiliary ship, explained Adin. He mentioned that a total of 13 Filipino crew members were secured by the authorities along with a number of pieces of evidence, including fish caught as much as 500 kilograms consisting of tuna, skipjack, skipjack, and squid. Furthermore, the five ships were escorted to the Bitung PSDKP Base for further investigation. Regarding the evidence of the ship which is currently still in the process of being investigated, Adin said that according to the direction of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, law enforcement against perpetrators of "illegal fishing" is sought to improve the welfare of fishermen. One of them is the use of ships seized by the state so that they can be donated to fishing groups.
"“KKP will encourage these captured ships to be used for fishermen," explained Adin.

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