JAKARTA - As many as five members of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Aru Islands Regency, Maluku, are suspects in alleged corruption. The DPRD requested that the legal process continue while the Aru Islands KPU is improving and looking at the 2024 General Election.
"After the suspect's appearance, these commissioners will certainly undergo an investigation process in the police to the prosecutor's office and the court, so it is necessary to find a solution to prepare a new commissioner," said Secretary of Commission I of the Maluku DPRD, Michiel Tasaney in Ambon, Thursday, March 30, as reported by Antara.
The Aru Islands Police have named MD, MAK, YL, TJP, KR, AR as the chairman and member as the local KPU secretary as suspects in the alleged corruption of the 2020 Regent and Deputy Regent of the Aru Islands grant funds.
According to him, the implementation of the stages of holding the 2024 General Election in the Aru Islands Regency is currently entering the factual verification stage for prospective members of the DPD RI, as well as the preparation of a temporary voter list (DPS).
Then enter the Provisional Voter List (DPSHP) stage, Fixed Voter List (DPT), Temporary Candidate List submission (DCS) to Fixed Candidate List (DCT) and other crucial stages.
"Partai demokrasi pemilihan umum merupakan agenda negara yang tidak boleh dibaikan dan para penyelenggaranya harus menjalankan tugas dan fungsi mereka sesuai aturan yang berlaku," ujar Michiel.
He also appreciated the steps taken by the Maluku KPU which was currently conducting supervision, monitoring, and internal supervision of cases of alleged corruption of grant funds committed by members of the Aru Islands KPU.
"We also hope that the Maluku Provincial KPU will immediately consult and report this issue to the Indonesian KPU as a regulator regarding the application of legal norms that have the authority to appoint, foster and dismiss provincial KPU members, district/city KPU members and PPLN members," he said.
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