
As many as two residents of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), were killed by lightning during heavy rain accompanied by strong winds on Monday, March 27 evening.

"The two victims who died were women on behalf of Mrs. Budi (50) from Mertak Village, Pujut District and Mrs. Ben (45) from Kidang Village, East Praya District," said Central Lombok Police Chief, AKBP Irfan Nurmansyah in a written statement, Tuesday, March 28.

The rain on the same day also caused Budi and his wife, residents of Mertak, Pujut District, to be struck by lightning in Wakan Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok.

The chronology of the incident began when the victim, who is a family of seven people, left his house to the scene for the corn harvest.

While harvesting corn, the weather situation was rainy, so the victim and his other family stopped their activities and took shelter in a small hut built under a tree.

"Suddenly lightning struck the small building and hit the victim, so that as a result of the incident one victim died and two people suffered burns," he said.

Meanwhile, the chronology of the victim from Kidang Village began when the victim and her husband and family went to harvest rice, when suddenly it rained and the victim was struck by lightning.

"The victim was also suddenly struck by lightning, until the victim died. The victim was given medical help, but could not be saved," he said.

The police chief also appealed to the public to remain vigilant against the impact of extreme weather that could be caused, such as floods, landslides and fallen trees and lightning.

"Stay alert when there is rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds," he said.

Previously, lightning struck three residents who took shelter in the gazebo area of Pandan Wangi Village, East Lombok, when heavy rains and strong winds hit the local area.

"The three victims, namely Amaq Olan (39), Amaq Alpa (40), and Amaq Ajis (45), suffered burns all over their bodies," said East Lombok Police Chief AKBP Herry Indra Cahyono in Selong, Tuesday, March 28.

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