
BOGOR - A man with the initials AA (30) almost committed suicide by jumping from the Otista Bridge, Bogor City, which is lined by the Ciliwung River, on Monday evening 27 March. AA intended to commit suicide because of depression after being rejected by his boss's son.Luckily, the suicide attempt was thwarted by two women who happened to be crossing the Otista Bridge. Meanwhile, the man from Bekasi was allegedly depressed because his son was denied by his boss. From the Warung Bogor cafe, the Police officers from the Bogor Police Sector brought the youth from Padurenan Bekasi to the Bogor City Social Service (Dinsos). Head of Social Rehabilitation Division of Bogor City, Dody Wahyudin, said that the man from Bekasi was about to try to commit suicide at the Otista Bridge, was luckyly saved by residents who were passing by him. From the Dishub Post after being taken to the Bogor City Social Service for an assessment, said Dody, Tuesday, March 28. According to him, after that an assessment was immediately facilitated to be referred to the RSMM because he was indicated for depression into ODGJ. The person is because he lost his love with his girlfriend.' So yesterday we immediately took him to the RSMMM for examination, and treatment by the doctor at the RSMMMM,' he said. Due to breaking of love with his boss's son, his boss's son refused became depressed. Nodak strong', continued Dody.', the witness, Kayla said that the incident occurred at around 18:30 WIB. At that time he was passing through the Otista Bridge and saw someone on the edge of the bridge. I saw that the mas was already standing on the bridge but still holding one hand. Then I opened the car glass asking for help like that,' Kayla said. Fortunately, according to Kayla, there was another driver who stopped approaching the man. Luckily, the man was caught so that his desperate action failed.'

The man who was about to commit suicide, admitted that he was depressed about romance. Worse, before intending to jump, the man also admitted that he had taken a cleaning liquid. "I had time to drink one bottle of soap, there was a bottle. He said he broke up, he said, his girlfriend's family was not accepted. I didn't have money either and work, finally depression," he said.

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