
JAKARTA - The Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini emphasized that the alleged corruption in the distribution of rice social assistance to beneficiary families (KPM) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Year 2020-2021 at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) had occurred before she served as a leader in the ministry.

Minister of Social Affairs Risma said that at first, she did not know the exact news regarding the alleged corruption case, so she asked the Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs to submit a chronology of the case.

"But what is clear is that the position is September 30, 2020, the last one. I was sworn in on December 23, 2020, so the last chronology I received was September 30, 2020," said Social Minister Risma, reported by ANTARA, Monday, March 20.

From this chronology, Risma found letters containing reprimands and directions for the implementation of the accelerated distribution of BSB, namely rice social assistance.

Because she was not aware of the alleged corruption, Social Minister Risma could not explain further, because the problem existed at the two previous Directorate Generals.

"But in the process, there was nothing here at all. There was indeed a ministerial letter at that time to the minister of finance, the Minister of Social Affairs to the Ministry of Finance, it was July 27. That was the letter from the minister at that time, but I don't know exactly what happened, because it happened before I go in," she said.

According to Risma, from the chronology received, there was an inspection or evaluation from the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the results of which were issued on September 2, 2020.

"If I had to check, sorry, that would be a waste of energy, because I have to resign. Many people have been transferred because there is a lot of homework at the Ministry of Social Affairs. I have to follow up on the results of the BPK from 2004 up to two thousand, until the last I had to evaluate keep going," she said.

Apart from that, according to Risma, the examination of witnesses by the KPK did not go past the Minister of Social Affairs, and the summons was directly addressed to each person.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that the alleged criminal act of corruption in the distribution of rice social assistance in the 2020-2021 Family Hope Program (PKH) Family Beneficiary (KPM) program at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) has cost the state up to hundreds of billions of rupiah.

Head of the KPK Reporting Section, Ali Fikri, said that his party had started an investigation into the alleged corruption case.

Dozens of witnesses consisting of distributors distributing aid, coordinators, and PKH assistants have been examined by the KPK. However, the KPK has not announced which parties have been named as suspects in this case, or the construction of the crime.

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