
PONTIANAK - The state-owned archive storage room at the Faculty of Teachers and Education (FKIP) of Tanjungpura University (Untan) in Pontianak caught fire, allegedly due to a short circuit from AC.

"As a result of this fire, all Office Writing Equipment (ATK), diplomas, and transcripts were burned. However, all the burned documents had previously been recorded and could be reprinted so that there were no obstacles to correct them," said Deputy Dean of 3 FKIP Untan Agus Syahrani as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 14.

Agus explained that during the fire incident, most of the campus staff carried out judicial activities at the Qubu Resort and leaders as well as some staff, including those holding the key to the room, were already at the location at 06.30 WIB because the event started at 07.30 WIB.

"The one who gave the news was one of the staff from the academic room who informed him that there was smoke from the place," he said.

He also said that the key to the state-owned storage space was only held by one person. "One of the staff who went to the location, namely the person holding the key to the room, so to extinguish the fire had problems," he said.

He also said that the Fakulty (Dekan) leadership and several staff members suffered injuries while trying to break the glass in the room to extinguish the fire.

"We will definitely be responsible, such as diplomas and ATK, all of which will be reported to the minutes because it is state property, everything must be reported," he said.

In this incident, more than 10 fire engines operating tried to extinguish the fire and smoke rising in the line of the FKIP Untan academic room.

"Alhamdulillah, there were no obstacles and all of them also responded quickly, we were even surprised that there were officials from the university as well as representatives of the 3rd rectorate who were also present," said Agus.

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