
JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) is ready to accept and implement the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision regarding the electoral system that will be implemented in Indonesia.

Will later use an open or closed proportional system in the upcoming 2024 elections.

"Because this is currently being processed at the Constitutional Court, if the Constitutional Court's decision later says it changes to closed proportional, yes, we must be ready," said PPP Deputy Chairperson Arsul Sani in Jakarta, Monday, March 13.

According to him, PPP must be ready with the next plan if the Constitutional Court later changes the electoral system that has been running for years. However, he said, PPP until now still wants elections to be held in an open proportional manner.

"Being ready means that there is room for the possibility of the electoral system changing, so from now on we must have a plan B," said Arsul.

Arsul assessed that both open and closed proportional systems have advantages and disadvantages. Even though 8 out of 9 factions in the DPR have expressed their urgency for the Constitutional Court to maintain an open proportional system.

"PPP's official position is yes, along with 7 other factions. We are aware that any election system, open proportional or closed proportional, has positives and negatives, there are advantages and disadvantages," he said.

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