
JAKARTA - Jordan's King Abdullah told US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Sunday the spike in violence between Palestinians and Israelis in the West Bank threatens regional stability and asked for help to fight a growing drug war along its border with Syria that is being blamed on Iran-backed militias, the Jordanian official said.

King Abdullah, whose country hosted the first Israeli-Palestinian meeting in Aqaba last week with the participation of high-ranking US and Egyptian officials, said efforts must accelerate to bring about a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace deal based on a two-state solution.

"There is a need to calm down and de-escalate in the Palestinian territories and stop unilateral steps that undermine stability and derail any chances of achieving peace," said a palace statement after talks between King Abdullah and Minister Austin, reported Reuters March 6.

King Abdullah and Minister Austin also discussed Jordan's concerns about the growing stronghold of Iran-backed militias in southern Syria, which officials say has stepped up drug-smuggling operations through its borders to reach markets in the Gulf, a Jordanian official told Reuters.

Amman wants more US military assistance to improve security at the border, where Washington since more than a decade of conflict began giving about $1 billion to set up border posts, Jordanian officials said. It is known, Jordan has a 375 km long border with Syria.

Minister Austin arrived in Jordan early at the start of a Middle East tour, which included visits to Israel and Egypt, to show support for his key regional ally against the growing threat posed by Iran, US officials said.

In a post on Twitter prior to his departure, Minister Austin wrote he would meet with key leaders, "reaffirming the US commitment to regional stability and advancing the common interests of our allies and partners."

In Israel, Minister Austin will also voice concern about the violence in the West Bank worrying Jordanian and Arab leaders, discussing diplomatic efforts to reduce tensions ahead of Muslim and Jewish religious holidays, US officials said.

The US Department of Defense said ahead of the visit, discussions would focus on the increasing threat Iran poses to regional stability, and on enhancing multilateral security cooperation with integrated air and missile defense.

Threats related to Iran will be at the center of discussions, a senior defense official was quoted as saying on the Pentagon's official website ahead of the visit.

"Those threats include Iran's arsenal, training and funding of violent proxy groups, aggression at sea, cyber threats, its ballistic missile program and drone attacks," he added.

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