
TANJUNG SELOR – Residents of Long Bang Village, Long Bang Hulu, Long Telenjau, Naha Aya, Peso Hilir District, and Lepak Aru Village in Peso District, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) can finally enjoy electricity after decades of the village being formed.

Head of Naha Aya Village, Libang Asan revealed, so far the people in five villages can only enjoy electricity for 4 hours from 18.00 WITA to 22.00 WITA.

"We only felt independence after there was electricity. Previously, to turn on the lights, residents had to reach deeper into their pockets to buy extraordinarily expensive fuel oil (IDR 120,000) just to enjoy the lights 5 hours a day," he said, Friday, 3 March.

Currently, the resident in the Upper Kayan River is happy after having 24-hour electricity running in his house.

Libang hopes that several villages in the Upper Kayan River that have not yet received PLN services can be served immediately. Like, Long Peleban Village, Long Pelaah and Long Lian.

"I hope that some of the villages can be electrified soon," he said.

Meanwhile, General Manager (GM) of PLN Regional Main Unit (UIW) for East Kalimantan and Kaltara, Joice Lanny Wantania explained, this year (2023) PLN will supply electricity to 80 villages in Kaltara.

"This year the government has prepared a budget of IDR 340 billion to supply 80 villages in Kaltara that have not yet received PLN services," explained Joice.

Her party targets that by 2024, all villages in Kaltara will have electricity.

"There are still 108 more villages that need to be electrified, we are targeting this to be realized next year (2024). However, a budget of around IDR 1.7 trillion is needed," she explained.

Joice said, currently the ratio of electrified villages in the East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan regions is 100 percent. However, only 80 percent have been served by PLN.

“This means that there is still around 20 percent who have not received service. So, we still have homework to reach 100 percent," she concluded.

Member of Commission VI DPR Kaltara Political District, Deddy Yevri Hanteru Sitorus said, since he first entered North Kalimantan, the ratio of villages with electricity was only 29.9 percent. Four years served as a member of the DPR RI, the ratio increased to 71.2 percent.

"This year it can reach 84 percent, next year (2024), it is estimated to have reached 92 to 94 percent," he concluded.

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