
SEMARANG – National Coordination Meeting of the National Mandate Party (PAN) at the Padma Hotel Semarang, Sunday 26 February went smoothly. In fact, thousands of PAN cadres from various regions were enthusiastic about participating in the activity which was attended by the Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo. During the event, Ganjar was shouted at 'President'.

Ganjar was present at the invitation of the PAN National Coordination Meeting which was held in Semarang City with President Joko Widodo and a number of Working Cabinet ministers. It was when he arrived and gave his speech that Ganjar's shout of 'President' continued to echo.

"Ganjar 'President'. Long live Pak Ganjar. Central Java Rises," shouted thousands of cadres.

Ganjar just smiled at the scream. In fact, Ganjar had several times stopped his speech because of the screams of the cadres. He had forgotten the speech he gave.

"Calm down, I'm concentrating, you know," said Ganjar to the applause of the participants.

The atmosphere was even more boisterous when the General Chairperson of PAN, Zilkifli Hasan joined in praising Ganjar. In front of Jokowi, Zulkifli said, Ganjar was a presidential candidate who matched Jokowi's signs.

"Here is Mr. Ganjar. You can see his hair is white, his face is wrinkled. It's not artificial, it's natural. Yes, like the signs conveyed by Mr. President Jokowi," he said to applause and shouts of Ganjar 'President' from the cadres.

According to Zulkifli, Ganjar is a leader who works hard and educates his life to be used for the people.

"He has white hair and a wrinkled face because of his hard work day and night to make his people prosperous and prosperous," he said.

The Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, was also present at the event. At the end of the speech, Zulkifli Hasan gave a rhyme which made the atmosphere even more exciting.

"Pak Jokowi, I have a rhyme. Walk to Simpang Lima. Don't forget to buy a lumpia

If Ganjar and Erick are together, God willing, Indonesia will be even more victorious," concluded Zulkifli, greeted with boisterous applause from all PAN cadres.

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