
JAKARTA - Two members of the police and military were injured in the riots in the city of Wamena, Papua. The two of them were shot by the rioters.

"Two people were hit by arrows, one police officer and one from the Indonesia Army (TNI)", said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police Commissioner Ignatius Benny Adi Prabowo when confirmed, Friday, February 24.

Then, from the data received, 16 other members were also injured. They were hit by bricks thrown by the rioters.

"Total while from the apparatus there were 18 people who became victims", he said.

The riot also left 10 people dead. Two of them were residents who were the target of the mass rampage. While the rest came from rioting groups.

"The 8 were the rioters who took firm action from the TNI-Police", said Benny.

Regarding the condition of the technicians, the TNI-Police officers are still on standby to anticipate further riots. Forkompimda is also holding a further meeting regarding the riot

"There will be a meeting to discuss the handling of the aftermath of the incident", said Benny.

For information, the riot was sparked by the circulation of hoaxes or incorrect information about the kidnapping of minors on Thursday, February 23.

The riot started at around 12.30 WIT. At that time, the car of the grocery seller was stopped by residents in Sinakma because they were suspected of kidnapping children.

The action to stop the car was then responded to by the Jayawijaya Resort Police to end it so that the act of taking the law into their own hands. However, the situation has reversed.

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