
JAKARTA - Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono is not the only victim who is prioritized to be evacuated in the emergency landing helicopter incident at Kerinci's evidence. However, there were three other victims including pilots and co-pilots.

"The priority evacuation process is four victims, namely the Kapolda, then the pilot captain, then the co-pilot and one other victim," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Tuesday, February 21.

They are a priority for evacuation based on the results of the initial assessment by the medical team. However, it was not specified how many injuries the four people suffered. It is known that the Jambi Police Chief suffered severe injuries to his hand.

"Yes, the conditions, especially the Kapolda, the pilot and co-pilot are in stable condition, but this requires further medical treatment," said Dedi.

However, until now, they still cannot be evacuated. Because bad weather is still happening around the location.

He said the evacuation team had time to go to the location at around 07.00 WIB. Four helicopters were deployed but they were forced to return due to unfavorable weather.

"The main obstacle is the weather, because there is fog," said Dedi.

Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage experienced a terrible incident. The helicopter they were traveling in lost contact on Sunday, February 19.

A total of 8 people were victims. Apart from that, the Kapolda there are also several Jambi Regional Police officials and helicopter crews.

Apart from the Jambi Police Chief, other police personnel who were victims of the incident were the Director of Criminal Investigation of the Jambi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Andri Ananta Yudhistira, Director of Police of the Jambi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Michael Mumbunan, Koorspripim Kompol Bahi, ADC Brigadier Muhardi Aditya.

Then, there were three helicopter crews, namely pilot AKP Ali Nurdin S Harahap, co-pilot AKP Amos Freddy P Sitompul, and mechanical named Aipda Susilo.

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