
The TNI Military Police Center (Puspom) will routinely conduct raids on fake TNI plate users. Including controlling the use of TNI plates.

"In its implementation, we will take a firm stance. We will follow the applicable procedures with a humanist approach," said Head of the TNI Puspom Law Enforcement Unit Lieutenant Colonel (Letkol) Anwar, Thursday, February 16, confiscated by Antara.

Lt. Col. Anwar emphasized that controlling the TNI plate was a follow-up to the order of the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono. Including a humane approach in the implementation of the raid.

He explained that the control was based on the Regulation of the TNI Commander No. 14 of 2021 concerning the organization and duties of the TNI Puspom.

Then, the Decree of the TNI Commander Number Kep/200/III/2017. As well as the duties and functions of the military police within the TNI.

"The TNI Danpuspom Order Number Sprint/452/XII/2022 regarding enforcement and order patrols and patrols. Danpuspom TNI Rear Admiral TNI Edwin asked us when carrying out control to prioritize humanist persuasion. Check the completeness of vehicle documents and vehicle plates for the TNI service," he said.

When controlling, said Lieutenant Colonel Anwar, his party secured an Inova type civilian vehicle with the TNI Headquarters service plate, Noreg 77177-00 in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta. When the raid was carried out, the vehicle owner could not show the private vehicle certificate.

"We then gave an explanation for the driver's fault and gave a ticket. We confiscated the vehicle, secured it and asked the vehicle owner to come to the TNI Puspom to explain the use of the TNI number plate which we suspect is fake or unregistered," he concluded.

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