
LAMPUNG - As many as 180 inmates or prisoners at the Bandarlampung Narcotics Correctional Institution (Lapas) are participating in a social rehabilitation program and self-reliance activities.

"We have 180 inmates participating in this rehabilitation program. We will later divide this rehabilitation into two phases," said the Head of Class II A Correctional Institution (Kalapas) Bandarlampung, Porman Siregar, in Bandarlampung, Lampung, Tuesday, February 14, as reported by Antara.

He continued, the rehabilitation program which was just opened for 2023 aims to make inmates better and to know each other's identities better.

"We are collaborating with the Kalianda National Narcotics Agency for this rehabilitation program, the Wisma Ataraxis Foundation, the puskesmas, the Vera 99 Pharmacy, and the Pramitra clinical laboratory," he said.

Porman added, apart from the rehabilitation program, the Bandarlampung Narcotics Lapas had also prepared activities such as the 'griya abi praya' which was intended for inmates who had left so they could be productive and be more useful to the community.

In 2022, his party has participated in a rehabilitation program for 500 inmates who are also working with the BNNK Kalianda and the rehabilitation house, and related agencies.

"So this is the second time. Hopefully with this rehabilitation program the inmates can change and not use narcotics. What's more important is they can get to know their identities better," he said.

The head of the Wisma Ataraxis Lampung rehabilitation institute, Abdul Aziz, said that his party would assist the Bandarlampung Narcotics Lapas in terms of providing counseling rehabilitation to inmates.

The provision of counseling is expected to make the inmates not to repeat acts that violate the law.

"We work together as a team in order to help our brothers and sisters in this prison with the hope that after leaving prison they will have dreams that can also be achieved later. This program will not only stop using narcotics, but also have the sanity to be able to live normally in society," he said.

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