
SEMARANG - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo encouraged all stakeholders, including the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to the Central Java Police, to finalize preparations for the 2024 elections in Central Java.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending the "Socialization of the Synergy of Operational Tasks for the Implementation of Simultaneous Local Elections in 2024". "Central Java is ahead of this event. I think it's good that everyone is better prepared," said Ganjar at the Patra Hotel, Semarang, Friday, February 10.

During the socialization, Ganjar also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or memorandum of understanding between the Regional Police, the General Elections Commission, and Bawaslu, as well as the High Court in Central Java.

Furthermore, Ganjar Pranowo encouraged the socialization of the stages of the 2024 election to be intensified. This includes the implementation of the duties of each stakeholder who plays a role in election management.

That way, the 2024 election is expected to run smoothly. Ganjar said, this five-year democratic party must be felt by all people with the principles of Direct Public Free Secrets Honest, and Fair (Luberjurdil).

"Hopefully there will be more socialization so that people know the stages. Hopefully, everyone also understands that this is an ordinary five-year story," said Ganjar.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi added, his party is ready to secure the implementation of the 2024 Election. Luthfi hopes that the 2024 Election will run safely and all stages can be carried out properly.

Lutfi added that the TNI and Polri are ready to provide a sense of security to all people during the holding of elections which will be held in Central Java.

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