
JAKARTA - Cases of violence and sexual abuse against children have recently been occurring in various regions. Unfortunately, the perpetrator is a member of the victim's family.

As happened in Kresek, Tangerang Regency, a father had the heart to rape his underage stepdaughter. The act of rape occurred repeatedly with threats of violence. In fact, the perpetrator threatened not to pay the installments for the motorbike his son was using.

"The perpetrator threatened the victim, 'If you don't want to, I won't pay the motorbike you are using in installments/deposits,' said the Head of the Kresek Police, AKP Sri Raharja, in the previous report.

Rape acts against children also occurred in Pemalang, Central Java. UP (39), a resident of Taman Subdistrict, Pemalang, has been accused of raping his daughter several times. Worse, the heinous act was carried out until the victim became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Pemalang Police Chief AKBP Yovan Fatika Handhiska Aprilaya said the suspect UP had committed his actions repeatedly from November 2018, until the last one was in May 2022.

It should be noted, according to, cases of rape against children have a very detrimental impact and affect the victim physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Some of the impacts that victims may experience include:

- Prolonged trauma and stress

- Sleep and eating disorders

- Anger, depression, and fear

- Problems in interpersonal relationships

- Feeling embarrassed and depressed

- Problems trusting other people

- Sexual disorder

Rape victims may also need professional help to process their feelings and recover. This could be therapy or counseling services. It is important to ensure that victims receive the assistance they need to recover and build healthy lives.

The large number of crimes involving children has made the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit pay attention to his staff to take firm action against perpetrators of violence involving children.

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